The Role of Offline Media in the Future of Marketing

It’s 2021. We live in a digital world. There’s no denying that traditional marketing methods have taken a backseat to strategies like Google Ads and social media. But that doesn’t mean offline is dead. 

Offline media strategies still have a role to play. And it’s a significant one. This is how you can leverage traditional strategies to boost your overall marketing efforts. 

Use Snail Mail 

Back in the 90s, people used to get mountains of pamphlets and leaflets. These days? Not so much. This presents a huge opportunity for companies looking to stand out. 

This strategy works better than ever: budget postcards. Yes, flimsy, old, low-quality postcards can give you huge bang for your buck (okay, we may have exaggerated a little there, but you get the point). 

You don’t need to spend money on the most expensive cards. In fact, you can be like George Costanza and still get very decent results. It’s all in the fact that not many people receive these anymore (relatively speaking, anyway). 

The stats speak for themselves. According to research by the Australia Post, 81% of people will open and read their mail as soon as they see it. 74% will give it their full and undivided attention. And perhaps most importantly, 65% of people read every single piece of mail they get. 

Ask yourself this: when was the last time you read every single marketing email that landed in your inbox? Admit it, you probably either auto-delete them or you ignore them completely. 

Traditional Tech Still Works 

People are either glued to their smartphones, working on the iMacs, or reading on their tablets. Does the average consumer even use a television? Do they know what a radio even is? 

Turns out, they do. In 2018, a Nielsen study found that out of 11 hours per day spent using media, seven were spent using ‘traditional’ tech like radio and live television. 

We’re willing to wager that getting a spot on your local radio show will be far cheaper than running a full ad campaign using Google, especially if you’re in an expensive sector like dentistry or legal. Pick up the phone and ask how much a short ad on a local television network will cost; you may be surprised at the quotes you get these days. You may even be able to negotiate the price down (try doing that with Google Ads!). 

Show You Face 

Humans are simple creatures, when it comes down to it. We’re all about relationships. And when it comes to consuming our hard earned dollars, we’d rather buy from people we know. 

Or at least, people we think we know. Look at how Wendy’s used Dave Thomas to sell their burgers. Or Steve Jobs and his legendary presentations releasing the new Mac or iPod. 

You can do that on a smaller scale. Present your work online, whether it’s on YouTube or free sign-up seminars. Go to trade shows and exhibitions, network, meet potential business partners and future customers. 

You not only want your brand out there, but you also want people to get to know you. If they trust you, they will buy from you. It’s far more powerful than a faceless ad on Google; people often don’t even click on these, considering the number of scams out there. 

With Offline Marketing, You Will Stand Out 

What the strategies outlined emphasize is that not many people use them. Most businesses opt for the latest and shiniest, employing digital agencies to run complex ads and data-driven Facebook campaigns. 

These work, obviously. That’s why companies continue to pour money into these solutions. But what they’re doing is completely ignoring traditional methods that still have a lot to offer. 

That gives you opportunity. Combine online and offline strategies to leverage every possible avenue. Don’t stick to just one, and let the data drive your decisions. If old school postcards get you leads, keep using ‘em. 

Perhaps an important point to sign off with is this: combine strategies. It’s not about offline or online. Use them both. They will give you results, depending on how you leverage each individual strategy. We’re not trying to convince you to turn away from online methods, but simply not to forget tried and tested offline strategies.